March 1, 2021

Sinking land and rising seas: the dual crises facing coastal communities

A double whammy of climate change and human-caused land subsidence means global coastal residents are experiencing extreme sea-level rise.

Latest News

march 3, 2021
An orangutan named Karen, the first in the world to have open-heart surgery in 1994, has made medical history again: Sheā€™s among the first great apes to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

February, Karen, three other orangutans, and five bonobos at the San Diego Zoo have received two doses each of an experimental vaccine for animals developed by a veterinary pharmaceutical company, says Nadine Lamberski, chief conservation and wildlife health officer at the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance.

march 4, 2021
450 butterfly species rapidly declining due to warmer autumns in the western U.S.

Over the past four decades, more than 450 butterfly species have declined at an average rate of nearly 2 percent a year, according to a study published today in the journal Science.

march 4, 2021
A lemur died from tuberculosisā€”a likely victim of the flourishing illegal pet trade

The ring-tailed lemur was emaciated and suffering from advanced tuberculosis by the time she was turned over to the rescue facility in southwestern Madagascar in April 2019. An alarming, golf ball-size mass protruded from the left side of her neck.

Meet Our Team

Our global network of monkeys have made over 100
billion people smile by providing local, authentic hilarious experiences
for guests that are just looking for some quick entertainment.

Although not a monkey, Sushi has been the first animal to win first place in the annual staring contest

Yoyo, has a passion for nature and the outdoors, and would'nt spend a second anywhere where else.

The wisest of all, usually spends his time doing research and curling his mustache

Yoyo, has a passion for nature and the outdoors, and would'nt spend a second anywhere where else.

Jim is a late night hard working gamer, who every so often pretends to be productive with his life

Jim loves to sing, and hates to brush, still not sure what type of creature he is.